Sunday, April 16, 2006

Saying Grace

The Good Friday season never fails to remind us that we were bought over by God at a hefty price. Each of us carries a price tag around our necks not containing a moneytary amount represented by dollars and cents but a price tag that is simply labelled "The blood of the Lamb." If you ask me I would us that we were overpriced, far too expensive and not worthwhile to buy, but God was moved by His unconditional love to actually pay the price and bought us over.

I never seem to be able to grasp that fact of the price God paid for me so wretched a sinner but on this good friday a thought occured to me that did not occur to me previously. Each time when my family has dinner together we say grace as all christians do. But as I sat at the table and prepared myself for the customary grace before dinner one day, I felt that I had more to thank God for than the food on the table. As I think back, I got reminded that saying grace before dinner was not exactly a custom in my family just 1 or 2 years back when I was the only christian in my family.

But now I thank God for the fact that I can now say grace for the food at the dinner table together with my family who are all now saved by the saving grace of Christ. And all these because of a saviour who died on the cross for me, my family and the rest of the world. Saying grace at the dinner table will never be the same again.

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