Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Logic has always been a mistress with very little compromise. We are bounded by it. It dictates our actions, our motives even our likes and dislikes. No matter how crazy or sensible a person’s logic is, the person will stick to it to the very end. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at the Islamic terrorist that blow themselves up, they might seem crazy to you but rest assure that it is their stone cold logic that guides their actions. In short, blowing themselves up with dozens of other people makes perfect sense to them.

Logic would dictate that in times of economic crisis, people will try their best to hold on to their jobs with all the retrenchments going on. They would try to ride out the storm before looking for better opportunities out there when things begin to pick up. They would refrain from overly risky investments in light of a volatile market. It makes perfect sense does it not? I can understand why this logic appeals to most people, it is the safe and responsible thing to do.

Unfortunately, I do not go by such a logic, and as stated above, I have very little room for compromise. With things going on in my company, the logical thing for me to do (as I see it) is to leave even if I don’t have a job offer at the moment. On top of that, I am sinking some of my savings into an investment that has considerable risks with no guaranteed return. Sometimes, I really think that I have lost my marbles, but I don’t think I have a choice in the matter because I think that it is the logical thing to do. Logic need not be sane.

Of course the logical Christian thing to do is to pray about it and look for God’s guiding light, but I believe I don’t need a “burning bush” moment for every decision I make in life. Sometimes you just have to do it when it feels right. But this will beg the question, “what happens if it all falls apart?” Do I expect God to bail me out? I would answer, “No.”

One of the thing I am honestly quite fed up with is what I call the “human sense of entitlement.” We believe that just because of who we are, we are entitled to certain benefits. For example, just because we are a citizen of a certain country, we are entitled to free medical care or social safety nets even if it costs the government billions of dollars and hurting the economy. In truth, we are entitled to nothing. We were born in the world naked, we leave naked. What we want in the world, we must earn and deserve. Sad to say, this is true even for love. But how does God fit into this you might ask.

Well… God is sovereign, He has free will to choose what to do. Hypothetic speaking, if God chose not to send Christ to die for us, it is entirely within His right. My point is that although God can choose to bail us out when we run into trouble, we cannot assume that we are entitled to it just because we are a Christian. God in His sovereignty might choose to allow us to fall. Sound pretty bleak doesn’t it, but I cannot assume that I will walk my Christian walk without some bumps and bruises. That would be illogical.

So the conclusion of the matter is this. Humans can’t live without logic in this world, no matter how insane or sensible the logic sounds, or even if it is based on a lie. But no matter what I do, I know one thing. God did send His Son to die for me, even though I was grossly undeserving of such an act. Logically, it would be difficult to take something like that for granted. That is logic that I can abide by.

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