I remember in my earlier birthdays when I was still a kid and my dad bought me my first Transformer toy, I was very happy. I thought to myself, "wouldn't it be great to be able to own all the Transfomer toys? Wouldn't it be great to actually see them in real life?" Transformers were like my purpose in life during those times, and that is the reason why the movie is being made now. It does not take rocket science to tell you that it make perfect business sense.
Millions of kids like me were also drawn into the world of the Transformers when the cartoon series first rolled out, and kids like me grow up. The difference is now kids like me now have incomes, more spending power and are eager to relive their long lost and sorely missed childhoods, and they have the money to do it. Not only will they be happily buying tickets to the movie but the licensing deals on toy, computer games etc... would be enormous. Plus, it is also a good way to capture the imagination of today's kids and pull them away from their Power Rangers or Pokemon or whatever the hell kids watch these days.
This movie has been a long time coming, but it is only now that the technology exists to make such an endeavour practical. So I guess we should count ourselves lucky that we live in an age where we can see our childhood dreams come alive. But I wonder what would happen 10- 15 years later when the "pokemon generation" grows up. The last thing I want to see in the cinema is a computer generated "Pikachu" jumping around and acting cute in a motion picture. The thought of it alone is disturbing. I guess I should stop thinking about it and enjoy what is left of my birthday.

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